The challenges we solve...

Our business has evolved around solving complex problems in the event space, often combining multiple disciplines and skillsets together to achieve a result.

Site builds, overlay and operations

Large scale and complex site builds involving multiple stakeholders, from planning through to execution. This includes services and people overlay, procurement and supplier management and onsite delivery.

Structures and rigging

Design and construction of structures to suit client requirements including engineering and rigging.

Remote areas

No phone service? Topographic maps? 4WD access? Dirt and mud? No problems. Just let us know when and where.

Network and internet access

Supplying networking and internet services across greenfield sites. From wireless mesh to extend connectivity for key crew to remain connected to a fully cabled backbone network supporting guest access. Utilising whichever technology mix is best suited for the solution.

Fabrication and custom builds

What do you do when there is no off-the-shelf solution? Don’t stress, lets just design and fabricate it in-house. Aluminium, Steel, Stainless Steel – whatever the situation dictates. 

Marquee valance branding frames

The situation dictated custom sized framework to support branding above the side walls of a marquee, integrating with the marquee structure itself. The lightweight aluminium frame solution ensured the signage was straight, didn’t move in the breeze and could easily be swapped out. 

Dimensional and time constraints

When dimensional and time constraints hamper solutioning, build around them! Obstacles and time constraints led to the fabrication of custom aluminium frames that could allow decorative timber panels to be slotted in, saving significant amount of time on the job and reducing the need to transport large and bulky pre-built units. 

Fireworks and special effects

Adding a spectacle to any event is no problem. Just ask!

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